
Sale and rental of easy up tents and complete equipment for events.

Sale and rental of easy up tents. Rental of tents and equipment for events.

We have been supplying tents since 2008. Since 2020 we offer rental. We have supplied to circuit riders, caterers, fire brigades, teams at the Dakar Rally or F1H2O. Individuals and corporations. All over Europe.

It works simply. Do you want to buy an easy up stand, printed or unprinted, in sizes from 3x3m to 4x8m? Write or call us.
Want event equipment? We really have everything. From heaters, to beersets, booths, chairs, mirrors, flooring or a tent 10m wide and infinitly long. Write or call us and we'll arrange it.

why to buy from us? 

We sell to the most demanding customers. We rent to both individuals and companies. We really have everything. And we find a solution for everyone.

We can find the fastest solution for your requirements. When the deadline is realistic, we can meet it.

We have been supplying tents since 2008 and most customers keep coming back even after many years.

Close to none claims for thousands of tents delivered. Our first tents sold are still serving in the harshest conditions.

Our services

Easy up tent without print

  • Basic stuff. 

  • Frame, cover,  sidewalls if you want.

  • Frame sizes: 
    3x3; 3x4,5; 3x6; 4x4; 4x6; 4x8

  • Fabrics:
    100% PES, waterproof, choice of colours.

Easy up tent with print

  • When it’s time to shine.

  • Photorealistic details and quality that lasts. 

  • Frame sizes:
    3x3; 3x4,5; 3x6; 4x4; 4x6; 4x8

  • Fabrics:
    100% PES, waterproof, digital sublimation print - both cover and sidewalls.

Event equipment.
We have it all!

  • When you want to borrow.

  • Warehouse in Prague, own transport. 

  • Everything for your event.

  • Tents, booths, chairs, tables, beersets, heaters, rugs, trash cans, ashtrays, mirrors, lights, golf carts, bars and more.


A sample of completed projects.


Contact us

You want a quote? Do you have a question? Do you want to order directly? Contact us!

Citycore s.r.o.
Náměstí Winstona Churchilla 1800/2
130 00 Praha
e-mail: HERE
phone: HERE